
Religious Leaders Meet in Mardin for Peace

The second International Symposium of Religions and Peace in the Light of the Common Ancestor (Abraham) (Harran Meetings), organized by Intercultural Dialogue Platform of Journalists and Authors Foundation (JAF), begins in Mardin today.

The conference, which is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Governorship of Mardin and Mardin Education Foundation (MAREV), will be held in the Qasimiye (Qasimiyya) Madrasa. Topics such as „Peace in Abraham’s Message“, „Peace in the Abrahamic Tradition“, „Heroes of Peace in the Three Heavenly Religions“, „The Place of the Abrahamic Message in the Future World“ will be discussed over four sessions. 28 academics and 11 religious leaders from Germany, the US, Sweden, England, Italy, France and Turkey will participate in the symposium.

Source and more here…zaman

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