Mor Filoksinos Yuhanon Dolabani

A Man of God & Assyria

Mor Dolabani was ordained bishop for Mardin and the surrounding areas on 4 May 1947 in Homs, Syria. The bishop is seen here upon arriving in Aleppo after his ordination and is received by the people while the Assyrian scouts play in the background. A new book published in Sweden reveals the intense love of this bishop of the Syriac Orthodox Church for his Assyrian nation and people. Weiterlesen

Assyrian journalist wins two years in a row

Nuri Kino secures his position as one of Europes most important investigative journalists.

The Swedish Queen and Nuri Kino are two of those chosen as winners of the Blatte De Luxe award. The award is given to individuls who has done something extra ordinary for the rest of society. Kino is the only person to win the prize ”Role model of the year” two years in a row. The swedish people and the jury saw no other journalist worthy of the award. Weiterlesen

Nuri Kino

The plight of the Iraqi Christians

Amidst the war torn Iraq, in a place where it may be easier to die than to live, overshadowed and virtually ignored, the world is witnessing with horror, yet in utter silence, the systematic religious and ethnic persecution and cleansing of the indigenous Christian Assyrian, also called Chaldean, Syriac population. Weiterlesen

A New Book by Gabriel Afram

„The History of the Assyrian Movement In Sweden”

Gabriel Afram’s new book, The Reports (Matebonwotho) is a contemplation and compilation of twenty years he spent as the editor-in-chief of Radio Qolo in Sweden. Gabriel Afram’s work in journalism offered him unique opportunities to travel to far places and encounter fascinating personalities. Weiterlesen