Reflections on events of varying degrees, letters and sketches of travels are sandwiched in 118 pages in Swedish and 122 in Assyrian, along with some 50 photos. People with an interest to learn more about the federations in Sweden, including the Syrianska and the Assyrian federations, will find Reports a good source for analysis.
The book was originally written in Assyrian. The Swedish translation of the book which includes the works of Gabriel Afram’s long time colleague, Augin Kurt.
Reports sheds light on the contemporary Assyrian history, a topic of interest for many readers of this publication.
Gabriel Afram’s highly anticipated book „The History of the Assyrian Movement In Sweden” is a fascinating outline of the events and people in the last few decades, surely a source of enlightenment for the younger generation unaware of the complex development of the Assyrian socio-political movement in this Scandinavian country. The author of the Swedish-Assyrian dictionary,
Gabriel Afram, continues to inspire and illuminate us with his latest work, The Reports.
For orders write to dolabani.kf@glocalnet.net.
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