Assyrian New Year's Eve

Assyrians Worldwide Celebrate 6762nd Year

(AINA) — March 21 marked the beginning of the 6762nd Assyrian year. The celebration of the new year was and is called the Akitu festival by Assyrians, and this was adopted by the various cultures that lived contemporaneously with Assyrians and by those that succeeded them. The Akitu festival is a 12 day celebration. Weiterlesen

AJM Spendenaktion

Für assyrische Schulen in Assyrien

Der AJM hat eine Spendenaktion ins Leben gerufen, die sich den 55 assyrischen Schulen mit über 5000 Schülern im Nordirak (Assyrien) widmet. Neben der Tatsache, dass es unsere volkseigenen Schulen sind, an denen man von der Grundschule bis zum Abitur einen staatlich anerkannten Schulabschluss machen kann, ist es erstaunlich, dass diese Schulen Fächer, wie z.B. Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, usw, auf unsere Sprache unterrichten. Weiterlesen

Human Rights Report

Warns of Extinction of Assyrian Minority in Iraq

Insufficient security, lack of opportunities, and discriminatory laws deprive members of the Assyrians community of any perspective in Iraq. They neither receive sufficient protection by the Iraqi and Kurdish government nor do they enjoy fundamental rights that guarantee their existence in Iraq. Persistent violence and pervasive rejection of other ethnic and religious elements in society turn life impossible for Iraqi minorities. Weiterlesen

Interview mit Hansi Ruile

Was haben Orient & Okzident, Heimat Babylon und Integration gemeinsam?

Hansi Ruile ist kein unbekanntes Gesicht in Augsburg. Wie so oft berichtet, ist der Geschäftsführer des Kulturhauses Kresslesmühle ein langjähriger und treuer Freund des Assyrischen Mesopotamien Verein Augsburg. Bereits im Jahr 2007 hatte die Möglichkeit, ein kurzes Gespräch mit ihm zu führen. Heute, knapp fünf Jahre nach dem ersten Interview, freuen wir uns, dass sich Herr Ruile erneut Zeit für uns genommen hatte. In einem Kurzinterview stellt er die aktuelle Vortragsreihe der Interkulturellen Akademie Augsburg wie auch das Projekt „Festival der 1000 Töne“ vor und erklärt hierbei, wie ernst der Titel „Heimat Babylon“ zu nehmen ist. Weiterlesen

Ninive Ebene

Zur Entwicklung um den irakischen Art. 125

Der Art. 125 der irakischen Verfassung legitimiert die Errichtung einer autonomen Provinz durch ihre Mehrheitsbevölkerung. Durch ihn erhoffen sich die Assyrer eine Selbstverwaltung in der Ninive Ebene. Besonders seit einem Jahr bringen sie die Früchte ihrer Arbeit immer näher an das Ziel. Weiterlesen

Law to assist implementation of article 125

President Obama signed the 2012 Appropriations Bill

On December 23, President Barack Obama signed the 2012 Appropriations Bill into law. This bill contains language calling for the US government (USG) and specifically the state Department to assist in the implementation of article 125 of the Iraqi constitution and to report back to Congress within 90 days from the date of the enactment of the Bill on the efforts to help the ethno-religious minorities in the Nineveh Plain area. Weiterlesen

International Community urged to act

US Withdrawal leaves Minorities in Danger

The US withdrawal from Iraq could spell the last push factor for the remaining members of Iraq’s vulnerable minorities. Iraq is far from a safe and functioning country. Attacks continue to threat civilians. The violence has forced more than 60 percent of Iraq’s Assyrian population to flee the country. Assyrians in Iraq continue to be the targets of systematic violence, whether in areas under the central government or the Kurdish administrated area. The latest attacks on Assyrian businesses in Northern Iraq clearly prove the continuing discrimination. Weiterlesen

Assyrian United Organizations of Illinois

Condemns Continuous Oppression of Assyrians in Iraq

As the United States prepares to withdraw its troops from Iraq, a horrible wave of terrorism has swept several towns in the Kurdistan Region. On Friday, December 2, 2011, starting in Zakho, thousands of young men paraded through several areas, destroying, pillaging and burning shops, hotels, and other properties. The attacks spread to 5 other towns and carry the hallmarks of an organized campaign. Their targets were the properties of the indigenous inhabitants of the area; the Chaldean Syriac Assyrians and the Yezidis, who have been the subjects of severe persecution. Shockingly, security forces in the region seemed to be non-existent during critical hours. Weiterlesen