In the lead-up to Easter ancient rituals collide with modern politics, writes Ruth Pollard in Jerusalem.
Ein Artikel über die Assyrer in Jerusalem
Sacred but troubled feast for Assyrians

In the lead-up to Easter ancient rituals collide with modern politics, writes Ruth Pollard in Jerusalem.
Auf Initiative der Yoken Bar Yoken Stiftung hat der Assyrische Mesopotamien Verein Augsburg Dr. Önver A. Cetrez letzten Samstag in den eigenen Vereinsräumen begrüßen dürfen. Dr. Cetrez stellte das Buch vor, an dem er neben Dr. Aryo Makko und Dr. Sargon Donabed mitwirkte und den Titel „The Assyrian Heritage – Threads of Continuity and Influence“ trägt. Dieses Werk ist ab sofort im Mesopotamien Verein erhältlich. Weiterlesen
(AINA) — Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) have opened their first school in Baghdad in more than 50 years. In 2005 the Iraqi parliament passed legislation to allow minorities to teach their own language in school. Weiterlesen
Kirkuk, Iraq — At least 150 young people, joined by other faithful, spent today in prayer and fasting to overcome violence, after a bomb exploded in front of the Chaldean cathedral. Weiterlesen
On 14 September 2012, a delegation headed by Mr. Hermiz Shahen, Deputy Secretary General of the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) and Mr. David M. David , President of the Assyrian Australian National Federation met with the Hon. Chris Bowen MP, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship.During which an official letter was presented to the Minister in which explains the tragic and dangerous situation that our people are facing in Iraq and Syria. The AUA proposed a plan of action and resolutions requesting to take the discussion further with the Australian authorities. Weiterlesen
Detroit (AINA) — United States vice-President Joseph Biden met with members of the Chaldean Assyrian Syriac Council of America (CASCA) on August 22nd. Ismat Karmo, the Chairman of CASCA, as well as members Dave Nona and Joe Kassab discussed the plight of the Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) in Iraq, and the Obama administration’s poor response to the concerns of the Assyrian community. Weiterlesen
The European Parliament adopted a report on human rights in the world, paying close attention to EU action for the human rights of minorities. The report also comments on a range of new measures, including the creation of an EU Special Representative on Human Rights, calls for a consistent implementation of the European human rights policy and demands that the EU introduce detailed human rights benchmarks for future cooperation on all policy areas. Weiterlesen
Syrische und andere historische Dokumente bestätigen das assyrische Erbe der Syrisch Orthodoxen Kirche. Der chaldäische Bischof Addai Scher schreibt, gemäß dem syrisch-orthodoxen Patriarch Michael der Große (1126-99), dass die Griechen die Jakobiten in der ersten Hälfte des 9. Jahrhunderts mit den folgenden Worten beleidigten: Weiterlesen
Laut dem heute auf erschienenen Bericht, soll seine Eminenz bald das Krankenhaus verlassen. Mor Julius Ablahad Gallo Shabo erlitt vor ca. zwei Wochen eine Gehirnblutung und wurde in die Intensivstation des örtlichen Krankenhauses in Södertälje eingeliefert. Weiterlesen
Smaller communities such as the Assyrians are being squeezed still further. Their fate is a crucial test of Iraq’s democracy. Weiterlesen