Thea Halo

The door is now open and Assyrians should do more

In Seyfo Center’s next instalment of interviews with Assyrian Genocide scholars and activists, Seyfo Center spoke with author and recognition advocate, Thea Halo. First published in 2000, Halo’s acclaimed book Not Even My Name, brought wider public attention to the Assyrian and Greek genocides. The book narrates the experiences of Sano, Thea Halo’s mother, during the genocide and her survival against a seemingly insurmountable and calculated campaign of horror. Weiterlesen

Stimmen zu Assyria TV

Große Freude mit hohen Erwartungen verbunden

Seit langer Zeit war es ein Traum, nun ist dieser wahr geworden. Vor einigen Monaten kam die Bestätigung aus Schweden, dass die dort lebenden Assyrer (Suryoye) einen TV-Sender eröffnen wollen. Dieser sollte sich vom Format anderer Sender deutlich unterscheiden. Nun dürfen wir stolz verkünden, dass Assyria TV in der Testphase auf Sendung gegangen ist. Als Web-TV Sender soll er eine Plattform für die Assyrer weltweit bieten. Weiterlesen

Erol Dora in Munich

Conference Highlighted Assyrian Human Rights Issues

Munich (AINA) — On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of signing an agreement between Germany and Turkey to recruit migrant workers from Turkey (German: Anwerbeabkommen), official celebrations were held across Germany. State representatives of Germany and Turkey met in Berlin, while celebrations were held in various cities in late October through November. Weiterlesen

President of Seyfo Center USA

Noray Betbaba in Germany

Mr. Noray Betbaba, President of Seyfo Center USA, attended a seminar, in Bonn, Germany on December 12, and 13, 2011, organized by the European Association for the Education of Adults and Academia in cooperation with the Columbia University Institute for the Human Rights (ISHR). There were over 100 renowned intellectuals in attendance, representing various organizations in their own countries. In addition to the organizers of the seminar, some of the organizations present were DVV International and BoCAED. Below is Mr. Betbaba’s speech, delivered on the seminar. Weiterlesen