The Swedish Queen and Nuri Kino are two of those chosen as winners of the Blatte De Luxe award. The award is given to individuls who has done something extra ordinary for the rest of society. Kino is the only person to win the prize ”Role model of the year” two years in a row. The swedish people and the jury saw no other journalist worthy of the award. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Englisch
Nuri Kino
The plight of the Iraqi Christians
Amidst the war torn Iraq, in a place where it may be easier to die than to live, overshadowed and virtually ignored, the world is witnessing with horror, yet in utter silence, the systematic religious and ethnic persecution and cleansing of the indigenous Christian Assyrian, also called Chaldean, Syriac population. Weiterlesen
Turkey Should Recognize the Assyrian Genocide 1915
Assyrian Youth Run for the Recognition of Seyfo
On the morning of 22nd of April, and in an atmosphere full of defiance and conscious Assyrian youth, Sabri Atman gave a brief speech and prepared the 92 youths on the difficulty of running a marathon for the full recognition of Seyfo: the Assyrian genocide. Weiterlesen
Solidaritätsgruppe Tur Abdin
Brief an Erzbischöfe – Tur Abdin
Unser Mitgefühl gilt in diesem Augenblick den Angehörigen und Freunden der Ermordeten, den Christen in Malatya und den Christen in der gesamten Türkei. Weiterlesen
A New Book by Gabriel Afram
„The History of the Assyrian Movement In Sweden”
Gabriel Afram’s new book, The Reports (Matebonwotho) is a contemplation and compilation of twenty years he spent as the editor-in-chief of Radio Qolo in Sweden. Gabriel Afram’s work in journalism offered him unique opportunities to travel to far places and encounter fascinating personalities. Weiterlesen
The Genocide of 1915
Hypocrisy as a Cornerstone of the Kurdish Narrative
I much appreciated Nuri Kino’s guest editorial appearing in the May 6, 2006 issue of Zinda Magazine, and his perceptive comments about Kurdish selective amnesia. Nuri draws from personal encounters in Sweden (where he currently lives), and other exchanges in the course of his travels to Hasno Kifo (Hasankeyf, in Tur Abdin) the home of his ancestors. Weiterlesen
British House of Commons Holds Hearing on Assyrian Genocide
LONDON – The evening of the 24 January 2006 was orientated on a „Forgotten Genocide“, however it was an unforgettable experience for the Assyrian community in London. Weiterlesen
Eine tolle Nachricht zu den Assyrern im Irak
Präsident Georg W. Bush erkennt die ADM an
9. Dezember 2002:
Heute morgen hat Präsident George W. Bush in einer Mitteilung an den Staatssekretär Colin Powell und den US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld die Assyrische Demokratische Bewegung (ADM) und vier weitere irakische oppositionelle Gruppen zu den „Demokratischen Oppositionsorganisationen“ gemäß dem Befreiungsgesetzes des Iraks von 1998 anernannt. Dieser Präsidentenbeschluss gewährt jeder der fünf Gruppen sowohl finanzielle als auch materiellen Unterstützung von Seiten der US-Regierung. Weiterlesen