Top Secret Documents

Wikileaks reveals Patriarch Zakka’s bad judgment

…to make a frontal attack? Do they feel compelled or are they doing it with free will? Some say that the leaders of the church are forced to stay on good terms with the ruling regimes in the Middle East. Failure to do so would harm the community. In other words you’re a hostage and subjected to these regimes discretion. But there are others who believe that leaders of the church often offer themselves to figure in these contexts. With zero leadersh… Weiterlesen

Sicherung des assyrischen Erbes

Modernes assyrisches Archiv der MARA Stiftung

Zu den gesicherten Materialien zählen Bücher, Zeitschriften und Magazine, Dokumente, Artikel, Fotografien, Audio- und Videoaufnahmen und Manuskripte von verschiedenen Quellen, wie etwa assyrische Einzelpersonen oder Organisationen, Universitäten, Archiven und Bibliotheken. Die MARA Stiftung ist eine unabhängige Organisation, die allein für den Zweck gegründet wurde, Informationen über die Assyrer der Neuzeit zu sammeln und aufzubewahren. Vorstand Weiterlesen


Assyrian Groups to Boycott EU Conference on Future of Nineveh Plains

…t for greater Kurdish control of the Nineveh Plains. Most of the critique centers around a policy document outlining the steps to be taken in regard to the future of the Nineveh Plains. The policy document is expected to be formally adopted at the conference, and ADM points out several serious flaws in it. According to ADM the security arrangement proposed in the policy document will revert the security situation in the Nineveh Plains back to the… Weiterlesen

Aleppo - Syria

Communiqué of Aleppo Issued by Churches’ Leaders

…ute to the enrichment of the culture of plurality of Syria. They advocated freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and democracy and dreamed to live in love with other which underpinned by social justice, peace democracy. They believed that citizenship is the celling under which such milieu thrives, regardless of the faith, religions and affiliation of the co-citizenee. As in the past Christens in the Middle East and their churches’ leaders tod… Weiterlesen

Seyfo 1915

Obama Urged to Encourage Turkey to Acknowledge Armenian Genocide

…menians and Assyrians – perished, and to provide compensation, is a litmus test of its fitness to fulfill its aspiration for Great Power status and leadership in shaping the destiny of the Middle East. Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu calls for the „reintegration“ of territories in Syria, Greece, Bulgaria, and Georgia with Turkey – a policy often referred to by political commentators as New Ottomanism. (Davutoglu, „Vision 2023: Turkey’s F… Weiterlesen


…formationen hierzu erhalten Sie vom Anbieter unter folgendem Link: Google Maps Diese Seite nutzt den Kartendienst Google Maps. Anbieter ist die Google Ireland Limited („Google“), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland. Mit Hilfe dieses Dienstes können wir Kartenmaterial auf unserer Website einbinden. Zur Nutzung der Funktionen von Google Maps ist es notwendig, Ihre IP-Adresse zu speichern. Diese Inf… Weiterlesen

Kann eine neue Verfassung das Land vor dem Chaos retten?

Syriens Kampf für Demokratie und Freiheit

…en und Syrien in ihren Einflussbereich zu ziehen. Ich denke, dass dies ein Test für die Türkei und die NATO war, festzustellen, über welche Waffen Syrien verfügt. Die aktuellen Kämpfe an der Grenze sind aber „kleine Vorfälle“ im Vergleich zu den Ereignissen in Syrien selbst. Was wird die Assyrisch Demokratische Organisation weiter unternehmen, um den Christen in der Heimat Hilfestellung zu geben? Wir versuchen wie möglich, diese Problematik bekann… Weiterlesen

Assyriska FF

It Takes a Team to Raise a Nation

…the many tangible things that make it possible for Assyriska; the website, plays a major role in branding the success of this team. This website was created for the sole purpose of communicating to the fans and keeping them up-to-date about the developments of the team. For now the majority of it is in Swedish, but with the help of translating it to English by their web team, we Americans or other English readers, will be able to… Weiterlesen

Turkish President

Assyrians Important Part of Turkey

…that his country is in a process of transformation to have a society more open and keen on dialogue. The Assyrian delegation was headed by Mr Afram Yakoub, president of the Assyrian Federation of Sweden and head of the Assyrian delegation in Ankara. Mr. Yakoub said „As Assyrian organizations we have and continue to speak up against your country for the injustices we suffer in Turkey. We welcome the positive transformations taking place in your co… Weiterlesen