Junge Akademie

Dr. Aryo Makko in Junge Akademie aufgenommen

…eichen Bewerbern aus allen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen sechs neue Mitglieder für eine Dauer von fünf Jahren in die Akademie aufgenommen. Aryo Makko wurde 2012 an der Universität Stockholm promoviert. Er forscht derzeit am Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala und war als Gastforscher am Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Genf, der University of Oxford sowie der Harvard University tätig. Pressemitteilung der Junge… Weiterlesen

Eine tolle Nachricht zu den Assyrern im Irak

Präsident Georg W. Bush erkennt die ADM an

…today. The five groups are the Assyrian Democratic Movement (Zowaa), Iraqi Free Officers and Civilians Movement; the Iraqi National Front; the Iraqi National Movement; the Iraqi Turkmen Front; and the Islamic Accord of Iraq. The other Iraqi opposition groups already on this list are the Iraqi National Congress (INC), the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (… Weiterlesen

Mor Filoksinos Yuhanon Dolabani

A Man of God & Assyria

…nvolved with the project,“ explains Tomas Isik. The work of collecting the material for the book eventually led to the Saffron Monastery (Dayro d-Kurkmo) in Mardin, Abrohom Nuro’s private library in Aleppo, and to the archives of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, where Dolabani had worked many times. „The search revealed that there were more writings than just the diary of Dolabani,“ Isik tells. „For example we discovered many highly intere… Weiterlesen

„Die Menschen wollen nicht nach Europa, sie wollen Frieden!“

Kundgebung: Glaube braucht Bekenntnis – Verfolgte Christen brauchen Hilfe

…über 100 Millionen Christen weltweit werden laut Weltverfolgungsindex von Open Doors wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt, Angriffe auf Kirchen haben sich gegenüber 2014 mehr als verdoppelt. Das liege auch und vor allem an der Ausbreitung des sogenannten Islamischen Staat, der ein immer größer werdendes Netzwerk bilde. Syrien und Irak, Kerngebiet des IS, drohen nun völlig christenfrei zu werden. Doch auch die Türkei, so Singhammer, mache keine Fortschri… Weiterlesen

Erzbischof Mor Eustathius Matta Roham, Syrisch Orthodoxer Metropolit von Jazirah und Euphrates/Syrien – Hassake

…ar 1993? Rather have you forgotten the risk we took, exposing ourselves to open gunfire in Ras al-Ayn in order to broker peace between the Kurds and the Arab tribes there following the events of the Qamilshly stadium on 12th March 2004? http://www.bic-church.org/connect/publications/Shalom/previous/pdfs/Fall2004.pdf Or have you forgotten our role in putting out the fire of strife in Malkiyyah when some of our people murdered the now deceased young… Weiterlesen

Persecution of Christians

Al-Qa’ida Desecrates Church in Syria

This was confirmed by a reliable ISIS source on Twitter: „ISIS: Raqqa: breaking of the cross raised over the church of Independence in Tel Abyaḍ and seizing of the church after the cross worshippers‘ violation of their compact of Dhimma.“ In other words, for failing to adhere to the terms imposed on them as Dhimmis, ISIS desecrated the church. Dhimmis are non-Muslim people, specifically Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians, who live under Muslim law… Weiterlesen

Sweden said Yes!

Sweden Recognizes Assyrian, Greek and Armenian Genocide

…g that, „after 95 years it is time for people who have suffered so long to obtain redress.“ Gulan Avci is a Liberal Party lawmaker who broke with her party’s line and voted to recognize the resolution. Avci is a Kurdish immigrant from Turkey. The uniqueness of Sweden’s genocide adoption is that it refers also to Assyrians and Pontic Greeks. Their suffering during the World War I has been mostly forgotten for decades, but in December 2007 the Inter… Weiterlesen

Türkei nicht um Aufklärung bemüht

ZAVD weiter besorgt um in Syrien entführte Bischöfe

…rn.de/panorama/syrien-entfuehrte-bischoefe-wieder-frei-2001491.html http://www.taz.de/!114999/ http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/2749706/kaempfer-verschleppen-orthodoxe-bischoefe.html https://www.ekd.de/presse/con_artikel_pm64_2013_fuerbitte_fuer_syrische_bischoefe.html http://www.christenverfolgung.org/zwei-syrische-bischoefe-entfuehrt.html http://www.zeit.de/news/2013-04/23/syrien-zwei-bischoefe-im-norden-syriens-entfuehrt-23011209 htt… Weiterlesen

Mor Gabriel

The Assyrian Monastery and Its Muslim Neighbors

…the very beginning, Storm stated that Sweden had always been among the greatest supporters of Turkey on its way to the EU membership and thus very concerned about the application of human and minority rights according to the Kopenhagen criteria. Turkey did accept its obligations to protect its minor communities. She indicated that some countries had been fiercely criticizing Sweden for its support to Turkey and such threats against the Mor Gabriel… Weiterlesen

Syrianska FC - Assyriska FF 0-1

Assyriska FF – No 1 in Södertälje!

…ey got and took command. Four minutes into the game, Xhevdet Llumnica came free after a good combination and gave us the early goal that we needed. You would expect that the home side would try for the equalizing goal but the Assyrian defence with the best player Oscar Berglund were firm and aggressive and didn’t allowed them to do much. Instead, Assyriska were really close to double its lead when Llumnica came free once again but the keeper made… Weiterlesen