
The Assyrian Genocide Monument in Belgium

Bannaux, Belgium (AINA) — On August 4, 2013 hundreds of Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) and their friends from all over Europe gathered at the site of the Bannaux Sanctuary in the municipality of Sprimont/Belgium. At the heart of Europe people came together to unveil a monument commemorating the Assyrian victims of the genocide of 1915 perpetrated by the former Ottoman State (AINA 8-5-2013). Weiterlesen


Assyrian Village in Syria Attacked By Muslims

Hassaka, Syria (AINA) — The Assyrian village of Tel Hormizd was attacked on Saturday, July 27 at about midnight. Fifty Arab Muslims on motorcycles entered the village and began a shooting rampage. According to residents, the Muslims fired indiscriminately, wounding two Assyrians, one of whom is still in hospital. The Assyrians repelled the attack by shooting at the Muslims. It is not known if any of the attackers was injured.


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Assyrischer Poet und Aktivist Ninos Aho wegen Blutkrebserkrankung verstorben

Mit Bedauern müssen wir euch mitteilen, dass Malfono Ninos Aho heute Morgen im Alter von 68 Jahren an den Folgen einer Blutkrebserkrankung in San Pedro (Kalifornien) von uns gegangen ist. Mit seinem Tod hat das assyrische Volk einen bedeutsamen Poeten und Aktivisten verloren, der sich über 40 Jahre lang für die Herstellung einer neuen assyrischen Identität einsetzte. Weiterlesen