Interview with Ara Sarafian

Ottoman Destruction of Three Christian Communities a Homogenization Process

AINA interviews Ara Sarafian, the founder of the Gomidas Institute (London), an organization promoting and disseminating research and scholarship on modern Armenian studies. In 2000 Sarafian edited and published The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916 (known as the Blue Book), an extensive collection of primary-source documents concerning the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocide, compiled originally by James Bryce and Arnold Toynbee and presented to Viscount Grey of Fallodon in 1916. Weiterlesen

Representatives of the Assyrian community

Sabri Atman’s speech in Armenia

Sabri Atman, director of the Assyrian Genocide Research Center (Seyfo Center) spoke to the Republic of Armenia. He represented the Assyrian community and thanked for the erected monument in the city Yerevan. Weiterlesen

European Commission must put its Commitments into Practice

EU Human Rights Policy Report Promises More Protection for Minorities

The European Parliament adopted a report on human rights in the world, paying close attention to EU action for the human rights of minorities. The report also comments on a range of new measures, including the creation of an EU Special Representative on Human Rights, calls for a consistent implementation of the European human rights policy and demands that the EU introduce detailed human rights benchmarks for future cooperation on all policy areas. Weiterlesen

Republic of Armenia

Armenia Must Recognize the Assyrian Genocide

(AINA) — On March, 19 2012, the Armenian Parliament rejected a proposal tabled by Armenia’s Heritage Party to consider a bill recognizing the Assyrian and Greek genocides. The proposal was also supported by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun Party) but opposed by the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA). Weiterlesen

Assyrian New Year's Eve

Assyrians Worldwide Celebrate 6762nd Year

(AINA) — March 21 marked the beginning of the 6762nd Assyrian year. The celebration of the new year was and is called the Akitu festival by Assyrians, and this was adopted by the various cultures that lived contemporaneously with Assyrians and by those that succeeded them. The Akitu festival is a 12 day celebration. Weiterlesen

Human Rights Report

Warns of Extinction of Assyrian Minority in Iraq

Insufficient security, lack of opportunities, and discriminatory laws deprive members of the Assyrians community of any perspective in Iraq. They neither receive sufficient protection by the Iraqi and Kurdish government nor do they enjoy fundamental rights that guarantee their existence in Iraq. Persistent violence and pervasive rejection of other ethnic and religious elements in society turn life impossible for Iraqi minorities. Weiterlesen

Thea Halo

The door is now open and Assyrians should do more

In Seyfo Center’s next instalment of interviews with Assyrian Genocide scholars and activists, Seyfo Center spoke with author and recognition advocate, Thea Halo. First published in 2000, Halo’s acclaimed book Not Even My Name, brought wider public attention to the Assyrian and Greek genocides. The book narrates the experiences of Sano, Thea Halo’s mother, during the genocide and her survival against a seemingly insurmountable and calculated campaign of horror. Weiterlesen