Södertälje Verband Opfer von Brandstiftung
In der Nacht wurden die Räume der Assyrischen Vereinigung in Södertälje (Schweden) Opfer eines Brandstiftungsanschlages. Ein Feuer wurde auf dem Dach beobachtet. Die Polizei stuft den Angriff als Brandstiftung ein. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Södertälje
Syrianska FC - Assyriska FF 0-1
Assyriska FF – No 1 in Södertälje!
SENIOR There is no doubt about which team has the best players, which team is the big brother and which team that is best in Södertälje, it is no other than the fantastic Assyriska Fotbolls Förening. Weiterlesen
Assyriska FF
It Takes a Team to Raise a Nation
KRÖNIKA We have the honor to present Broula Adde, Assyriska supporter and guest writer directly from New York, United States. Broula describes her love for Assyriska and the team as a symbol and an inducer of the Assyrian identity. Without revealing too much, we recommend readers to revel in this wonderful text. Weiterlesen
Assyrians in Sweden
Assyrian Elected to Top Position in Local Swedish Party
Södertälje, Sweden (AINA) — The annual meeting of the Social Democratic party in the town of Södertälje chose on March 28 Mr. Yilmaz Kerimo as the parties new leader. A longstanding member of the Swedish Social Democrats, Mr. Kerimo, has been elected into the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag, twice. Weiterlesen
Projekt Freydon in Schweden vorgestellt
Zentrum für moderne assyrische Studien an der Universität Cambridge bald Wirklichkeit
Ein Archiv mit reichhaltigem Quellenmaterial zu den Assyrern, eine jährliche Konferenz für junge Akademiker sowie eine Professur in modernen assyrischen Studien: dies sind die Bestandteile einer Vision, welche sich bereits in der Umsetzungsphase befindet. Weiterlesen
Nuri Kino
Swedish – Assyrian Journalist Chosen as One of Sweden’s Most Handsome Men
Camilla Thulin, Sweden’s leading stylist, designer and wardrober, has chosen the ten men she considers being the foremost in the country, regarding taste and style. Thulin has previously written the success Stil [Style] for women, and has now followed it up with Karlar med stil [Men with Style], which was released earlier this week. Weiterlesen
Mor Filoksinos Yuhanon Dolabani
A Man of God & Assyria
Mor Dolabani was ordained bishop for Mardin and the surrounding areas on 4 May 1947 in Homs, Syria. The bishop is seen here upon arriving in Aleppo after his ordination and is received by the people while the Assyrian scouts play in the background. A new book published in Sweden reveals the intense love of this bishop of the Syriac Orthodox Church for his Assyrian nation and people. Weiterlesen
Assyrian journalist wins two years in a row
Nuri Kino secures his position as one of Europes most important investigative journalists.
The Swedish Queen and Nuri Kino are two of those chosen as winners of the Blatte De Luxe award. The award is given to individuls who has done something extra ordinary for the rest of society. Kino is the only person to win the prize ”Role model of the year” two years in a row. The swedish people and the jury saw no other journalist worthy of the award. Weiterlesen