
Brennpunkt Arabische Welt

Zunehmend manifestieren sich die islamistischen Kräfte in der arabischen Welt. Durch diese Entwicklung wird der Weg hin zu mehr Demokratie und Gleichberechtigung der Menschen versperrt, noch bevor er sich öffnen konnte. Geschickt gelenkt durch ein mittlerweile weltweit agierendes, undurchschaubares Netzwerk der religiösen Fanatiker des Islam, drehen sich die Machtverhältnisse rasant. Die Islamisierung nicht nur der gesamten Arabischen Welt ist zum Greifen nah, sondern auch die Rechtlosigkeit der Frauen und ethnischer wie religiöser Minderheiten eine ernstzunehmende Zukunftsperspektive. Weiterlesen

United States vice-President

Joseph Biden Meets With Assyrian Leaders in Detroit

Detroit (AINA) — United States vice-President Joseph Biden met with members of the Chaldean Assyrian Syriac Council of America (CASCA) on August 22nd. Ismat Karmo, the Chairman of CASCA, as well as members Dave Nona and Joe Kassab discussed the plight of the Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) in Iraq, and the Obama administration’s poor response to the concerns of the Assyrian community. Weiterlesen

Interview with Ara Sarafian

Ottoman Destruction of Three Christian Communities a Homogenization Process

AINA interviews Ara Sarafian, the founder of the Gomidas Institute (London), an organization promoting and disseminating research and scholarship on modern Armenian studies. In 2000 Sarafian edited and published The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916 (known as the Blue Book), an extensive collection of primary-source documents concerning the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocide, compiled originally by James Bryce and Arnold Toynbee and presented to Viscount Grey of Fallodon in 1916. Weiterlesen

Assyrian New Year's Eve

Assyrians Worldwide Celebrate 6762nd Year

(AINA) — March 21 marked the beginning of the 6762nd Assyrian year. The celebration of the new year was and is called the Akitu festival by Assyrians, and this was adopted by the various cultures that lived contemporaneously with Assyrians and by those that succeeded them. The Akitu festival is a 12 day celebration. Weiterlesen

Just a lie

The 1,500 Year Old ‚Bible‘ and Muslim Propaganda

(AINA) — Much has been made of the recent discovery in Turkey of a Bible purported to be written in the Aramaic language, 1,500 years ago. The Muslim media, as well as Western media outlets, quickly pounced on this, claiming this Bible contains verses attributed to Jesus Christ, in which Christ predicts the coming of Muhammad. No media outlet has published a facsimile of these verses. Weiterlesen

Letter to Serzh A. Sargsyan

Scholars Urge Armenia to Officially Recognize Assyrian Genocide

(AINA) — The Assyrian Genocide Research Center (Seyfo), based in Sweden, has sent a letter to Serzh A. Sargsyan, the President of the Republic of Armenia, urging Armenia to officially recognize the Assyrian genocide, which occurred simultaneously with the Armenian Genocide. Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks were all victims of genocide between 1914 and 1923, a campaign which aimed, and succeeded, in cleansing the Ottoman Empire of most of it’s Christian subjects. Nearly three million Assyrians, Armenains and Greeks were killed during that period. The letter was signed by 36 organizations and 22 scholars. Here’s is the text of the letter. Weiterlesen

For Refusing to Pay Extortion Money

Two Copts Killed in Egypt

Two Copts were killed this afternoon in the village of Bahgourah, a suburb of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, after a Muslim racketeer opened fire on them for refusing to pay him extortion money. Three days ago Ahmed Saber had asked from the Coptic building contractor Moawad Asaad for a considerable sum of money. This afternoon Saber drove to Moawad’s home to collect the money, but Moawad refused to go to his car to speak to him for fear of being kidnapped. Four men came out of the car with machine guns and shot Moawad and his 26-year-old son Asaad Moawad, an engineer. Both were killed instantly. Weiterlesen

Attack Church

Muslims in Egypt Burn Christian Homes and Shops

A Muslim mob attacked Copts today in the Upper Egyptian village of Rahmaniya-Kebly, Nag Hammadi, Qena province, destroying and torching their homes, straw huts and shops, while chanting Allahu Akbar. No one was reported killed or injured. According to reports, security forces were present but did not intervene and the fire brigade arrived 90 minutes late. Weiterlesen