Waldbrände im Turabdin

Nun brennt es auch in Kafro

Vor wenigen Tagen hat der assyrische WebTV-Sender „Assyria TV“ von Bränden an den Ländereien des syrisch-orthodoxen Klosters Dayro d´Zafaran in Mardin berichtet. Heute erreichte uns die Nachricht, dass es nun auch im Dorf Kafro brennt. Weiterlesen

Assyrian History in Tur Abdin

Assyrian Bishop Visits Neo-Assyrian Site in Turkey

Diyarbakir, Turkey (AINA) — The 4th of August 2009 was not an ordinary day for the archaeological team working at Ziyaret Tepe nor for his grace bishop Saliba Ozman, the Assyrian bishop of Mardin. The team of excavators had just unearthed a small tablet when they learned that the secretary of Bishop Ozman had called and expressed his wish of visiting the historical site of Ziyaret Tepe. This site corresponds to the ancient Assyrian city of Tushan and is now manifest as a high mound surrounded by a lower town. Tushan served as an imperial provincial capital in the Neo-Assyrian period. Weiterlesen

Mor Filoksinos Yuhanon Dolabani

A Man of God & Assyria

Mor Dolabani was ordained bishop for Mardin and the surrounding areas on 4 May 1947 in Homs, Syria. The bishop is seen here upon arriving in Aleppo after his ordination and is received by the people while the Assyrian scouts play in the background. A new book published in Sweden reveals the intense love of this bishop of the Syriac Orthodox Church for his Assyrian nation and people. Weiterlesen


Mardin Rendezvous – The second of the ‚inter-religions dialogue‘ meetings

The second of the ‚inter-religions dialogue‘ meetings, after the first one held in Harran, Urfa four years ago, took place in Mardin. The opening of the second meeting, entitled, „Inter-Cultural Dialogue/Mardin Meeting,“ was held in Kasimiyye Madrasah, Mardin and ended with a tour of Mardin city center, Midyat and Nusaybin. The symposium session of the meeting continues today and tomorrow in Istanbul. Weiterlesen