
Assyrian Village in Syria Attacked By Muslims

Hassaka, Syria (AINA) — The Assyrian village of Tel Hormizd was attacked on Saturday, July 27 at about midnight. Fifty Arab Muslims on motorcycles entered the village and began a shooting rampage. According to residents, the Muslims fired indiscriminately, wounding two Assyrians, one of whom is still in hospital. The Assyrians repelled the attack by shooting at the Muslims. It is not known if any of the attackers was injured.


Rom-Konferenz mit Außenminister Italiens

Assyrer und der Aufstand in Syrien

Rom – Verschiedenen Quellen zufolge veranstaltete die italienische Regierung eine Reihe von Konferenzen mit dem Syrischen Nationalrat und wählte oppositionelle Persönlichkeiten innerhalb und außerhalb Syriens aus, in der Bestrebung, größere Einigkeit zwischen den ganz verschiedenen Gruppen herzustellen und die Bedeutung des Pluralismus hervorzuheben. Der Konflikt könnte „zu einer katastrophalen Situation mit mehr Extremismus und Schäden auch in Nachbarländern führen“, sagte Abdul Basit Sieda, der Vorsitzende des Syrischen Nationalrats (SNC) den Reportern, die ein Treffen mit dem italienischen Außenminister Giulio Terzi beobachteten. Weiterlesen

Representatives of the Assyrian community

Sabri Atman’s speech in Armenia

Sabri Atman, director of the Assyrian Genocide Research Center (Seyfo Center) spoke to the Republic of Armenia. He represented the Assyrian community and thanked for the erected monument in the city Yerevan. Weiterlesen

A Historical Recognition

Berzan Boti will, as an act of restitution, hand back his property to its rightful owners – The Assyrians!

As heir to the ottoman empire, Turkey has during 94 years denied the genocide they committed on the Assyrians and other Christian minorities. Lately some intellectual Turks have tried to settle with their history by publicly apologizing for the actions during 1915. This reconcile-process has however not reached the impact that many had hoped for and was subdued in Turkish media. Weiterlesen

Mor Filoksinos Yuhanon Dolabani

A Man of God & Assyria

Mor Dolabani was ordained bishop for Mardin and the surrounding areas on 4 May 1947 in Homs, Syria. The bishop is seen here upon arriving in Aleppo after his ordination and is received by the people while the Assyrian scouts play in the background. A new book published in Sweden reveals the intense love of this bishop of the Syriac Orthodox Church for his Assyrian nation and people. Weiterlesen