The Organization of Circassians and Lazes of Turkey (OCLT) has issued a report calling on Turkey to recognize the 1915 Genocide of Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks. The report was issued at a conference organized by OCLT on the rights of minorities in Turkey. Weiterlesen
Archiv der Kategorie: Völkermord (Seyfo) 1915
Recognice the Assyrian Genocide
Scholars Call for Israeli Recognition of the Assyrian Genocide
In a significant milestone for efforts towards the worldwide recognition of the Assyrian genocide, nearly thirty internationally renowned holocaust and genocide scholars, and Assyrian and Greek social, cultural and religious groups, have written to the Israeli Knesset calling for the inclusion of Assyrians and Greeks in the Knesset’s forthcoming legislation on remembrance of the Armenian genocide. Weiterlesen
Trotz Drohungen der Türkei
Frankreich stellt Leugnung von Völkermord unter Strafe
Ungeachtet der massiven Drohungen aus der Türkei hat Frankreich ein neues Gesetz verabschiedet, dass die Leugnung von gesetzlich anerkannten Völkermorden unter Strafe stellt – darunter den Tod zahlloser Armenier während des Ersten Weltkriegs im Osmanischen Reich. Die Türkei als Nachfolger des Osmanischen Reiches streitet einen Völkermord ab und hat für den Fall einer Annahme des Gesetzes mit schweren Konsequenzen gedroht. Weiterlesen
President of Seyfo Center USA
Noray Betbaba in Germany
Mr. Noray Betbaba, President of Seyfo Center USA, attended a seminar, in Bonn, Germany on December 12, and 13, 2011, organized by the European Association for the Education of Adults and Academia in cooperation with the Columbia University Institute for the Human Rights (ISHR). There were over 100 renowned intellectuals in attendance, representing various organizations in their own countries. In addition to the organizers of the seminar, some of the organizations present were DVV International and BoCAED. Below is Mr. Betbaba’s speech, delivered on the seminar. Weiterlesen
Verfolgung und Ermordung
Debatte über den Genozid im Australischen Parlament
Vor rund einer Woche ereignete sich im australischen Parlament eine Rede über den Genozid an den Griechen, Armeniern und Assyrern. Gesprochen haben Hon Malcolm Turnbull, Craig Kelly und Hon Joe Hockey. Weiterlesen
Wir stellen vor
Prof. Gaunts kompaktes Seyfo Buch für jeden
Auf Initiative der Assyrischen Jugend Föderation in Schweden entstand ein Buch, das sich dem Seyfo von 1915 widmet, dem Genozid an den Assyrern im Osmanischen Reich. Der Autor des Buches, Prof. Dr. David Gaunt, arbeitet als Historiker an der Södertörn Universität in Schweden und gehört zu den weltweit führenden Forschern des Völkermordes an den Assyrern. Bereits 2006 veröffentlichte er zusammen mit Jan Beṯ-Şawoce das Buch „Massacres, resistance, protectors: Muslim-Christian Relations in Eastern Anatolia during World War I“, das im Forschungsbereich des Seyfo als bahnbrechend galt. Weiterlesen
Second monument in France
Assyrian Genocide Monument Unveiled in Paris
An Assyrian Genocide monument was erected on Sunday, October 30 in Saint-Brice Paris in memory of Assyrian victims of genocides, including the the Turkish genocide of Assyrians in World War One, which claimed 750,000 Assyrian lives (75%). The monument is the second to be erected in France. The first was erected in Sarcelles. Weiterlesen
Prof. Altuğ Taner Akçam
Young Assyrians the future of Assyrian genocide scholarship
Altuğ Taner Akçam is one of the first Turkish scholars to openly acknowledge and discuss the reality of the Armenian Genocide. Professor Akçam’s initial research topic was the history of political violence and torture in late Ottoman and early Republican Turkey. Since 1990, however, he has focused his attention on Turkish nationalism and the Armenian Genocide, with eleven books and numerous articles to his credit. Weiterlesen
Recognize the Genozide
Australian Senator calls to officially recognize Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocides
Australian Senator Nick Xenophon reaffirmed the historical reality of the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocides, paving the way for the Upper House to officially recognize these crimes against humanity. Weiterlesen
Top Secret Documents
Wikileaks reveals Patriarch Zakka’s bad judgment
Secret documents published by Wikileaks reveal that the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Zakka Iwaz and his emissary accuse U.S. and Israel of being behind the September 11 attacks. With several misguided statements the leaders of the church are again taking the party of regimes and rulers who have oppressed the Assyrians in the Middle East, writes freelance journalist Dikran Ego. Weiterlesen