Assyrian United Organizations of Illinois

Condemns Continuous Oppression of Assyrians in Iraq

As the United States prepares to withdraw its troops from Iraq, a horrible wave of terrorism has swept several towns in the Kurdistan Region. On Friday, December 2, 2011, starting in Zakho, thousands of young men paraded through several areas, destroying, pillaging and burning shops, hotels, and other properties. The attacks spread to 5 other towns and carry the hallmarks of an organized campaign. Their targets were the properties of the indigenous inhabitants of the area; the Chaldean Syriac Assyrians and the Yezidis, who have been the subjects of severe persecution. Shockingly, security forces in the region seemed to be non-existent during critical hours. Weiterlesen

The Assyrian Democratic Organization’s Statement

Arrest of Two Assyrians in Aleppo Syria

On Wednesday, 30-November-2011, the Syrian Security Forces detained two Assyrians in Aleppo, Mr. Samuel Joseph Sawmeh and Mr. George Abdul-Massih Bahno. They were detained for using their cell phones to shoot videos of the long lines in front of a gas station in the Al-Azizieh Neighborhood in Aleppo. Such scenes exist in all the cities and towns of Syria due to the current oil shortages in Syria, and videos such as these are widespread on Syrian and international TV stations. Weiterlesen

Der „Arabische Frühling“

Auswirkungen und Perspektiven für die assyrischen Christen im Nahen Osten

Im Namen der Assyrischen Demokratischen Organisation in Europa möchte ich mich bei der Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker und den Mitarbeitenden sehr herzlich für Ihr Engagement für die assyrischen Christen bedanken. Sie sind eine der ersten Organisationen, die seit den 1970er Jahren auf die Lage von religiösen und ethnischen Minderheiten und damit auch auf die Lage der Assyrer in den Herkunftsländern aufmerksam gemacht haben. Sowohl durch zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen als auch durch Veranstaltungen. Mein besonderer Dank geht vor allem an den Vorsitzenden, Herrn Tilman Zülch, der uns seit der Gründung der Organisation begleitet. Weiterlesen

David William Lazar

Turkey must pay compensation

David William Lazar was born in Baghdad in 1959, the family left Iraq in 1965 and he grew up living in Kuwait and Lebanon. In 1979 he arrived in Los Angeles from London as a prospective university student. In 1980 he co-founded Assyrian Students Society at California State University, Northridge. In 1982 he represented the Western Region of the US at the Assyrian Universal Alliance Congress that was held in Los Angeles. Weiterlesen