Nuri Kino

The plight of the Iraqi Christians

Amidst the war torn Iraq, in a place where it may be easier to die than to live, overshadowed and virtually ignored, the world is witnessing with horror, yet in utter silence, the systematic religious and ethnic persecution and cleansing of the indigenous Christian Assyrian, also called Chaldean, Syriac population. Weiterlesen

OVG Koblenz

Kein Asyl für Assyrer

Das OVG Koblenz sieht keine gezielte Verfolgung von Christen im Irak. GfbV fordert Bleiberecht für Chaldäer. Christen aus dem Irak haben nach einem Urteil des Oberverwaltungsgerichts Rheinland-Pfalz (OVG) keinen Anspruch auf Asyl. Die OVG-Richter sind der Auffassung, Christen seien keiner gezielten Verfolgung ausgesetzt. Ebenso wie Schiiten, Sunniten oder Kurden seien sie vielmehr Opfer der im Irak herrschenden allgemeinen terroristischen Gewalt, die jeden treffen könne. Weiterlesen

The Genocide of 1915

Hypocrisy as a Cornerstone of the Kurdish Narrative

I much appreciated Nuri Kino’s guest editorial appearing in the May 6, 2006 issue of Zinda Magazine, and his perceptive comments about Kurdish selective amnesia. Nuri draws from personal encounters in Sweden (where he currently lives), and other exchanges in the course of his travels to Hasno Kifo (Hasankeyf, in Tur Abdin) the home of his ancestors. Weiterlesen

The Chaldean Syriac Assyrian General Conference

Closing statement of the Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian conference in Bagdad

The Chaldean Syriac Assyrian General Conference was held in Baghdad in the period of 22-24 October, 2003 under the motto of “Our Unity and Our National and Patriotic Rights in Iraq”. The Conference was held under the patronage of Dr. Ayad Alawi, the rotating interim President of the Iraqi Governing Council, with the presence of Mr. Younadam Kanna the representative of our people in the Iraqi Governing Council and the representative for Mr. Paul Bremer, Head of Civil Administration in Iraq as well as representatives of various national Iraqi parties. The Conference was also attended by representatives our people’s political parties and organizations and its religious, civic and cultural institutions throughout Iraq. Delegates from Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and the Diaspora (Europe, United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) were also in attendance. Weiterlesen