The Assyrian Democratic Organization’s Statement

Arrest of Two Assyrians in Aleppo Syria

On Wednesday, 30-November-2011, the Syrian Security Forces detained two Assyrians in Aleppo, Mr. Samuel Joseph Sawmeh and Mr. George Abdul-Massih Bahno. They were detained for using their cell phones to shoot videos of the long lines in front of a gas station in the Al-Azizieh Neighborhood in Aleppo. Such scenes exist in all the cities and towns of Syria due to the current oil shortages in Syria, and videos such as these are widespread on Syrian and international TV stations. Weiterlesen

Second monument in France

Assyrian Genocide Monument Unveiled in Paris

An Assyrian Genocide monument was erected on Sunday, October 30 in Saint-Brice Paris in memory of Assyrian victims of genocides, including the the Turkish genocide of Assyrians in World War One, which claimed 750,000 Assyrian lives (75%). The monument is the second to be erected in France. The first was erected in Sarcelles. Weiterlesen

Prof. Altuğ Taner Akçam

Young Assyrians the future of Assyrian genocide scholarship

Altuğ Taner Akçam is one of the first Turkish scholars to openly acknowledge and discuss the reality of the Armenian Genocide. Professor Akçam’s initial research topic was the history of political violence and torture in late Ottoman and early Republican Turkey. Since 1990, however, he has focused his attention on Turkish nationalism and the Armenian Genocide, with eleven books and numerous articles to his credit. Weiterlesen

Sweden said Yes!

Sweden Recognizes Assyrian, Greek and Armenian Genocide

Stockholm (AINA) — In a resolution adopted today, the Swedish parliament (the Riksdagen) referered to the World War I-era killings of 2.75 million Armenians, Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) and Pontic Greeks by the Ottomans as a genocide. Turkey is regarded legally and politically as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire but vehemently rejects calling the killing genocide according to the U.N. definition adopted in 1948, insisting that those killed were victims of war and uprising. Weiterlesen

Vortrag von Sabri Atman in Gütersloh

Ein Meilenstein im Seyfo

Im Assryrischen Mesopotamien Verein Gütersloh fand am 13.06.09 ein Vortrag des geschätzten Referenten Sabri Atman statt. Das Hauptthema befasste sich mit dem Erhalt des Grundbesitzes im Südosten der Türkei im Namen von Berzan Boti an Seyfo Center. Weiterlesen

A Historical Recognition

Berzan Boti will, as an act of restitution, hand back his property to its rightful owners – The Assyrians!

As heir to the ottoman empire, Turkey has during 94 years denied the genocide they committed on the Assyrians and other Christian minorities. Lately some intellectual Turks have tried to settle with their history by publicly apologizing for the actions during 1915. This reconcile-process has however not reached the impact that many had hoped for and was subdued in Turkish media. Weiterlesen

Großdemonstration unter dem Motto

Aktion Mor Gabriel mobilisiert Tausende nach Berlin

“Ono u Abro d´Mor Gabriel no” („Ich bin der Sohn des Heiligen Gabriels“), so lautete das Motto der Großdemonstration am Sonntag, 25.01.2009 in Berlin. Rund 100 Busse (24 Busse alleine schon aus Gütersloh und Umgebung) haben sich den weiten Weg nach Berlin gemacht, um Solidarität für das
1 600 Jahre alte syrisch-orthodoxen Kloster, Mor Gabriel, im Tur Abdin zu zeigen. Weiterlesen