
Assyrerinnen und Assyrer protestieren gegen kurdischen Landraub assyrischer Gebiete im Nordirak

Am Samstag, dem 28. Mai 2016, protestierten Assyrerinnen und Assyrer in Gütersloh gemeinsam gegen den kurdischen Landraub assyrischer Gebiete im Nordirak. Neben dem deutschen Zentralverband der Assyrer (ZAVD) rief auch der schwedische Verband, beide unter dem Dach der Assyrian Confederation of Europe, zu Protesten in Deutschland und Schweden gegen die furchtbare Marginalisierung der Assyrer im Nordirak auf. Weiterlesen

Meeting under the umbrella of MECHRIC in Brussels

Conference on the Persecution of Assyrians and Other Christians in the Middle East

Brussels (AINA) — Concerned Christian organizations from the Middle East met in Brussels today under the umbrella of the Middle East Christian Committee (MECHRIC) to demand action on the brutal and merciless ethno-religious cleansing against Assyrians, Copts and other Christians taking place in the greater Middle East. Weiterlesen

European Commission must put its Commitments into Practice

EU Human Rights Policy Report Promises More Protection for Minorities

The European Parliament adopted a report on human rights in the world, paying close attention to EU action for the human rights of minorities. The report also comments on a range of new measures, including the creation of an EU Special Representative on Human Rights, calls for a consistent implementation of the European human rights policy and demands that the EU introduce detailed human rights benchmarks for future cooperation on all policy areas. Weiterlesen

Human Rights Report

Warns of Extinction of Assyrian Minority in Iraq

Insufficient security, lack of opportunities, and discriminatory laws deprive members of the Assyrians community of any perspective in Iraq. They neither receive sufficient protection by the Iraqi and Kurdish government nor do they enjoy fundamental rights that guarantee their existence in Iraq. Persistent violence and pervasive rejection of other ethnic and religious elements in society turn life impossible for Iraqi minorities. Weiterlesen

Ninos Warda über den Assyrian Council of Europe (ACE)

Vortrag im Mesopotamien Verein Augsburg e. V.

Am 25.06.2008 durfte der Assyrische Mesopotamien Verein Augsburg Ninos Warda, Lobbyarbeiter der Assyrer in Brüssel, begrüßen. Der Vortrag begann mit einer Vorstellung der Person von Ninos Warda durch den 2. Vorsitzendenden des Mesopotamien Verein Augsburg e. V., Suleymann Ögünc. Weiterlesen