Der Armenische Präsident, Herr Sezrh Sargsyan, gratuliert den Assyrern in Armenien zum diesjährigen Akitu Fest. Weiterlesen
Glückwünsche aus Armenien
Armenischer Präsident gratuliert Assyrern zu Hab Nisan

Der Armenische Präsident, Herr Sezrh Sargsyan, gratuliert den Assyrern in Armenien zum diesjährigen Akitu Fest. Weiterlesen
In the lead-up to Easter ancient rituals collide with modern politics, writes Ruth Pollard in Jerusalem.
Stockholm (AINA) — Hundreds of Assyrians and Armenians defied the cold weather in Stockholm on Wednesday morning as they gathered outside parliament to highlight Turkey’s denial of genocides committed against them, while Turkish president Abdullah Gül was adressing the Swedish parliament. Weiterlesen
Ankara, Turkey (AINA) — „Assyrians are an important part of Turkey and their roots go back thousands of years on these lands,“ said the Turkish president Abdullah Gül during a meeting with Assyrian organizations on February 18th in the presidential palace in Ankara. Weiterlesen
(AINA) — Ahmet Türk, the Co-Chairman of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), a pro-kurdish party in Turkey, said that Kurds were part of the policies implemented in 1915 against the Armenians, Assyrians and Yezidies. „The Kurds have their share in that as well,“ he said. „Our grandparents persecuted these people. As descendands, we apologize to them.“ Weiterlesen
Stockholm (AINA) — Turkey’s permission to allow the Syrian Orthodox community to build a church in Istanbul after 90 years of the republican period did make a great splash in the Turkish press recently. At first glance, this decision is seen as a positive signal by everyone. But upon closer inspection the matter looks quite ugly and filled with mischief. Weiterlesen
Mosul — Police in Mosul found the body of a Christian woman with her throat cut. The gruesome discovery was made today in an area where attacks have been perpetrated in the past against members of the city’s Christian minority, some, like abducted Bishop Faraj Rahho and Fr Ragheed Ganni, murdered. Weiterlesen
Seyfo Centre USA hosted a series of educational lectures in Los Angeles, San Diego, Turlock and San Jose on the Assyrian / Armenian Genocide and Seyfo in 1915. The lectures were organized with the help of local Assyrian American organizations, and given by the British-Armenian historian, Ara Sarafian (Gomidas Institute, London). Weiterlesen
On November 27 and 28, the Assyrian Universal Alliance participated in the Fifth Session on the Forum on Minority Issues at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. This year’s Forum highlighted the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration on the rights of National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities and focused on identifying positive practices and opportunities in applying the Declaration. Weiterlesen
(AINA) — Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) have opened their first school in Baghdad in more than 50 years. In 2005 the Iraqi parliament passed legislation to allow minorities to teach their own language in school. Weiterlesen