Mardin / NationalTurk – Aziz Demir is one of the many returnees. In 2006, after living in Switzerland for 22 years Aziz Demir and his wife and three children returned to the village of Elbeyendi in the southern Turkish province of Mardin. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Syria
Human Rights Report
Warns of Extinction of Assyrian Minority in Iraq
Insufficient security, lack of opportunities, and discriminatory laws deprive members of the Assyrians community of any perspective in Iraq. They neither receive sufficient protection by the Iraqi and Kurdish government nor do they enjoy fundamental rights that guarantee their existence in Iraq. Persistent violence and pervasive rejection of other ethnic and religious elements in society turn life impossible for Iraqi minorities. Weiterlesen
The Assyrian Democratic Organization’s Statement
Arrest of Two Assyrians in Aleppo Syria
On Wednesday, 30-November-2011, the Syrian Security Forces detained two Assyrians in Aleppo, Mr. Samuel Joseph Sawmeh and Mr. George Abdul-Massih Bahno. They were detained for using their cell phones to shoot videos of the long lines in front of a gas station in the Al-Azizieh Neighborhood in Aleppo. Such scenes exist in all the cities and towns of Syria due to the current oil shortages in Syria, and videos such as these are widespread on Syrian and international TV stations. Weiterlesen
Attiya Gamri
Zinda Magazine’s Assyrian of the Year
Ms. Gamri was born into the Beth Arsan tribe of the village of Arbo in south-east Turkey (North Assyria) in the region of Tur-Abdin or North Assyria. She is the youngest daughter in a family of 4 sisters and 3 brothers. Weiterlesen