Camilla Thulin, Sweden’s leading stylist, designer and wardrober, has chosen the ten men she considers being the foremost in the country, regarding taste and style. Thulin has previously written the success Stil [Style] for women, and has now followed it up with Karlar med stil [Men with Style], which was released earlier this week. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Journalist
Assyrian journalist wins two years in a row
Nuri Kino secures his position as one of Europes most important investigative journalists.
The Swedish Queen and Nuri Kino are two of those chosen as winners of the Blatte De Luxe award. The award is given to individuls who has done something extra ordinary for the rest of society. Kino is the only person to win the prize ”Role model of the year” two years in a row. The swedish people and the jury saw no other journalist worthy of the award. Weiterlesen
Protest wegen Mord an Journalisten
100 Menschen erinnern bei Kundgebung auf dem Mauritiusplatz an Nannen-Preisträger Hrant Dink
Die Ermordung vom armenischen Journalisten Hrant Dink hat nicht nur in der Türkei für Empörung gesorgt, sondern auch in Deutschland. In Wiesbaden hat der Armenisch-Syrische und der Assyrische zu einer Kundgebung aufgerufen. Weiterlesen