Smaller communities such as the Assyrians are being squeezed still further. Their fate is a crucial test of Iraq’s democracy. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Hotels
Assyrian United Organizations of Illinois
Condemns Continuous Oppression of Assyrians in Iraq
As the United States prepares to withdraw its troops from Iraq, a horrible wave of terrorism has swept several towns in the Kurdistan Region. On Friday, December 2, 2011, starting in Zakho, thousands of young men paraded through several areas, destroying, pillaging and burning shops, hotels, and other properties. The attacks spread to 5 other towns and carry the hallmarks of an organized campaign. Their targets were the properties of the indigenous inhabitants of the area; the Chaldean Syriac Assyrians and the Yezidis, who have been the subjects of severe persecution. Shockingly, security forces in the region seemed to be non-existent during critical hours. Weiterlesen
ZAVD nimmt Stellung
Gewaltsame Übergriffe auf Assyrer im Nord-Irak
Der ZAVD hat eine Stellungnahme zu den kürzlichen gewaltsamen Übergriffen auf Assyrer im Nord-Irak gegenüber Politik und Presse bekannt gegeben. Weiterlesen
After prayers
Muslim Kurds Attack Assyrian Businesses in North Iraq
Muslim Kurds attacked at least 20 liquor stores, 3 casinos and 1 Chinese massage parlor in the predominantly Assyrian town of Zakho, in north Iraq. The liquor stores are owned mostly by Assyrians. Weiterlesen