100 Jahre nach dem Völkermord zeigen sich endlich Fortschritte beim Kampf um die Anerkennung der Verbrechen an den Armeniern, Assyrern und Pontos-Griechen im Jahr 1915 im Osmanischen Reich. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Holocaust
Danke Armenien
Armenien erkennt Völkermord an den Assyrern an
Der 24. März 2015 ist nun für uns zu einem historischen Datum geworden: Die Republik Armenien hat den Völkermord an den Assyrern anerkannt. Weiterlesen
Recognice the Assyrian Genocide
Scholars Call for Israeli Recognition of the Assyrian Genocide
In a significant milestone for efforts towards the worldwide recognition of the Assyrian genocide, nearly thirty internationally renowned holocaust and genocide scholars, and Assyrian and Greek social, cultural and religious groups, have written to the Israeli Knesset calling for the inclusion of Assyrians and Greeks in the Knesset’s forthcoming legislation on remembrance of the Armenian genocide. Weiterlesen
President of Seyfo Center USA
Noray Betbaba in Germany
Mr. Noray Betbaba, President of Seyfo Center USA, attended a seminar, in Bonn, Germany on December 12, and 13, 2011, organized by the European Association for the Education of Adults and Academia in cooperation with the Columbia University Institute for the Human Rights (ISHR). There were over 100 renowned intellectuals in attendance, representing various organizations in their own countries. In addition to the organizers of the seminar, some of the organizations present were DVV International and BoCAED. Below is Mr. Betbaba’s speech, delivered on the seminar. Weiterlesen