Human Rights Report

Warns of Extinction of Assyrian Minority in Iraq

Insufficient security, lack of opportunities, and discriminatory laws deprive members of the Assyrians community of any perspective in Iraq. They neither receive sufficient protection by the Iraqi and Kurdish government nor do they enjoy fundamental rights that guarantee their existence in Iraq. Persistent violence and pervasive rejection of other ethnic and religious elements in society turn life impossible for Iraqi minorities. Weiterlesen


Mardin Rendezvous – The second of the ‚inter-religions dialogue‘ meetings

The second of the ‚inter-religions dialogue‘ meetings, after the first one held in Harran, Urfa four years ago, took place in Mardin. The opening of the second meeting, entitled, „Inter-Cultural Dialogue/Mardin Meeting,“ was held in Kasimiyye Madrasah, Mardin and ended with a tour of Mardin city center, Midyat and Nusaybin. The symposium session of the meeting continues today and tomorrow in Istanbul. Weiterlesen