Nord Irak (AINA) – Bewaffnete kurdische Männer, die hauptsächlich zum Zebari Stamm gehören, attackierten am Dienstag um 18 Uhr Ortszeit das assyrische Dorf Rabatki. Das Motiv hinter dieser Attacke war die gewaltsame Beanspruchung von Ländereien des Dorfes. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Mr Massoud Barzani
Over persecution of non-Muslim population in Iraq
Assyrian organizations appeal to President of European Parliament
A range of Assyrian organizations have sent an open letter to President of European Parliament Jerzy Buzek and the other members of EP with the request to state their opinion about the persecution of the non-Muslim population – the Assyrians, Armenians and Yezids, on the territory of Iraq since 2003. Weiterlesen