Vortrag von Sabri Atman in Gütersloh

Ein Meilenstein im Seyfo

Im Assryrischen Mesopotamien Verein Gütersloh fand am 13.06.09 ein Vortrag des geschätzten Referenten Sabri Atman statt. Das Hauptthema befasste sich mit dem Erhalt des Grundbesitzes im Südosten der Türkei im Namen von Berzan Boti an Seyfo Center. Weiterlesen

A Historical Recognition

Berzan Boti will, as an act of restitution, hand back his property to its rightful owners – The Assyrians!

As heir to the ottoman empire, Turkey has during 94 years denied the genocide they committed on the Assyrians and other Christian minorities. Lately some intellectual Turks have tried to settle with their history by publicly apologizing for the actions during 1915. This reconcile-process has however not reached the impact that many had hoped for and was subdued in Turkish media. Weiterlesen