Ahmet Türk

Kurdish Politician in Turkey Apologizes to Armenians, Assyrians for 1915 Genocide

(AINA) — Ahmet Türk, the Co-Chairman of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), a pro-kurdish party in Turkey, said that Kurds were part of the policies implemented in 1915 against the Armenians, Assyrians and Yezidies. „The Kurds have their share in that as well,“ he said. „Our grandparents persecuted these people. As descendands, we apologize to them.“ Weiterlesen

European Commission must put its Commitments into Practice

EU Human Rights Policy Report Promises More Protection for Minorities

The European Parliament adopted a report on human rights in the world, paying close attention to EU action for the human rights of minorities. The report also comments on a range of new measures, including the creation of an EU Special Representative on Human Rights, calls for a consistent implementation of the European human rights policy and demands that the EU introduce detailed human rights benchmarks for future cooperation on all policy areas. Weiterlesen


Schrecken ohne Ende für Iraks Minderheiten?

Die Lage religiöser Minderheiten im Irak hat sich in den letzten Monaten nochmals verdüstert. „Es war noch nie schlimm“, klagten anglikanische Christen in der Hauptstadt Bagdad ihrem Geistlichen Andrew White. Auch Mandäer, Yezidi und Juden fürchten ständig um ihr Leben. Im kurdischen Norden foltern die Sicherheitskräfte Minderheiten, die Autonomie fordern. Weiterlesen