Stockholm (AINA) — In a resolution adopted today, the Swedish parliament (the Riksdagen) referered to the World War I-era killings of 2.75 million Armenians, Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) and Pontic Greeks by the Ottomans as a genocide. Turkey is regarded legally and politically as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire but vehemently rejects calling the killing genocide according to the U.N. definition adopted in 1948, insisting that those killed were victims of war and uprising. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Ibrahim Baylan
Assyrians in Sweden
Assyrian Elected to Top Position in Local Swedish Party
Södertälje, Sweden (AINA) — The annual meeting of the Social Democratic party in the town of Södertälje chose on March 28 Mr. Yilmaz Kerimo as the parties new leader. A longstanding member of the Swedish Social Democrats, Mr. Kerimo, has been elected into the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag, twice. Weiterlesen
Ibrahim Baylan
Neuer Parteisekretär der Sozialdemokraten in Schweden
Gemäß wurde der in Salah (Tur Abdin/Südost-Türkei) geborene Assyrer, Ibrahim Baylan, zum Parteisekretär der Sozialdemokratischen Partei (Socialdemokraterna) ernannt. Baylan war unter anderem im Kabinett des ehemaligen schwedischen Premierministers, Göran Persson, von 2004-2006 Schulminister in Schweden. Weiterlesen