Beginn: 9. September 2015, 19:30
Ende: 22:00
Location: Assyrischer Mesopotamien Verein Augsburg e.V.
Ort: Augsburg
Adresse: Mendelssohnstraße 21, 86154 Augsburg, Deutschland
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Assyrischer Mesopotamien Verein Augsburg e.V.
Ein Vortrag über die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Apps zur Spracherlernung von Dr. Robby Edo.
Don´t you ever get an idea and think how awesome would that be if we can do that in Suryoyo? We have been through that a lot. The team at Rinyo decided to stop at just dreaming and expand and develop these ideas and bring them to you. We want to take Syriac into the 21st century. Be a part of Rinyo!!!“ – Dr. Robby Edo